Stanton County EMA Blog Article

Chemical and Hazardous Material Spillage Training in Yankton, SD

April 27, 2023

Chemical and Hazardous Material Spillage Training in Yankton, SD

Stanton EMA, among other emergency managers from South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska, took part in a 3-Day exercise and training, in Yankton, SD, for chemical and hazardous materials releases into waterways.

Also involved with this training were Region 7 and Region 8 Environmental Protection Agencies, Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota Department of Natural Resources, The Army Corps of Engineers, The National Park Rangers, The National Weather Service, The State Historical Preservation Society, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Office, TC Energy, NuStar Energy, and BNSF Railroad.

This training and exercise was an open discussion between every agency on how they respond and what resources would be needed in the event of a hazardous spill especially to prevent further damages downstream and what the recovery and restoration process looks like.

What I have found most interesting in this training is the amount of response and resources that vendors provide when they are notified to a spill.

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